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Field component is a wrapper for your form elements / fields. You can use it to render any react element that depends on the value and the change handler of the form element.


Simple Fieldโ€‹

changeValue can be used to change the value of a form element. Since it's a plain function, you can directly pass it to the TextInput.

import {Field} from 'react-swift-form';
import {TextInput} from 'react-native';

function MyForm() {
return (
<Field id="name">
{({value, changeValue}) => (
<TextInput value={value} onChangeText={changeValue} />

Custom change handlerโ€‹

If you want to use a custom change handler, you can directly call changeValue function.

import {Field} from 'react-swift-form';
import {Switch} from 'react-native';

function MyForm() {
return (
<Field id="name">
{({value, changeValue}) => (
<Switch value={value} onValueChange={() => changeValue(!value)} />

Functional updatesโ€‹

If the new value is computed using the previous value, you can also use functional updates to update the value of a form element. Just like how you do with setState action of useState hook.

import {Field} from 'react-swift-form';
import {Switch} from 'react-native';

function MyForm() {
return (
<Field id="name">
{({value, changeValue}) => (
<Switch value={value} onValueChange={() => changeValue(prev => !prev)} />

Show errorโ€‹

If you want to show errors, you can use the error value. This value is set by the validator.

import {Field} from 'react-swift-form';
import {TextInput, Text} from 'react-native';

function MyForm() {
return (
<Field id="name">
{({value, error, changeValue}) => (
<TextInput value={value} onChangeText={changeValue} />

Set error manuallyโ€‹

You can also set the error manually. However, this is not recommended. You should use the validator prop instead.

import {Field} from 'react-swift-form';
import {Switch, Text} from 'react-native';

function MyForm() {
return (
<Field id="name">
{({value, error, changeValue, changeError}) => (
onChangeText={(text) => {

if (value === 'not-valid') {
changeError('This is not valid');
} else {

All togetherโ€‹

Now we will use all of the above features together.

(Except changeError)

import {Field} from 'react-swift-form';
import {TextInput, Text} from 'react-native';
import {string} from 'yup';

const initialValues = {
name: '',

const validators = {
name: string()
.required('This is required')
.test('is-valid', 'This is not valid', (value) => value === 'not-valid'),

function MyForm() {
return (
<Form initialState={initialValues} validators={validators}>
<Field id="name">
{({value, error, changeValue}) => (
<TextInput value={value} onChangeText={changeValue} />




The id prop is the unique identifier of the form element. It will be used to identify the form field in the context.

This value should be unique to the form (unless you want to use the same form field multiple times).


Children Propsโ€‹

These props are passed to the children.


Current value of the form field.



Error message for the field. It's set by the validator or changeError function.



Changes the value of the form field. It will accept the new state or a function that will be called with the previous state as a parameter. Just like how you would use setState function of a useState hook.

(value: any | ((prevValue: any) => any)) => void


Changes the error of the form field. It's not recommended to use this function. You will not need to use this function if you are using the validator prop.

(error: string) => void